The information seems to me just as suitable, maybe more so, for this space. As stated in the original, maybe this can be of help to someone researching an African American line in Harris County, Georgia pre-Emancipation.
I've read many ads for these type of sales, but not many (any?) with such detail. Each of the enslaved is listed by name and a brief description of their "specialty" of forced labor is provided.
Columbus Daily Enquirer (Georgia)
Friday, 25 November 1859 - pg. 4 [via GenealogyBank]
VALUABLEVirginia was a daughter of Maj. Osborne Crook (1796-1851). In his will dated 15 March 1851, Mr. Crook bequeathed and devised a portion of his "real and personal" property to his children. Virginia Osborne Crook was one of the named children. So one or more of the enslaved individuals listed above could have once been part of his estate.
Negroes at Administrator's Sale.
IN compliance with an order of the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, I will sell at public outcry on the first Tuesday in January next, in the town of Hamilton, all the Negroes belonging to the Estate of the late Miss Virginia Crook, to-wit:
Mumford a man about 40 years old, a blacksmith; Maria, his wife, about 38 years old, No 1 house woman and cook, washer and ironer, and 3 children, Bulger a boy 5 years old, May a girl 4, and Tom 1 year old.
Lard a man 40 years old, field hand; Ann, his wife, 35 years old, house and field hand, and their child Della, a girl 12 years old, very likely.
Caroline, field hand, about 28 years old, and her 2 children, 2 and 4 years old.
Jane, 25 years old, good house servant, sews well and her boy Alac, 10 years old.
Little Maria, 17 years old, No 1 house girl and chamber maid, has also worked in the field.
Rass 22 years old, fair carpenter, good driver and house servant, very likely.
Jacob, good sawyer and field hand, about 37 years old.
Raney, about 35 years of age, and her 8 children, Philis, Adeline, Jim, Lizzie, Cordelia, Stephen, Harry, and baby -- ranging in ages from 1 to 15, and all that are large enough field hands.
Liza, about 48 years old, an excellent old woman in the house.
These Negroes are very likely and qualities good.
Terms -- 12 months' credit with interest from date, and approved security. Sold for a division among the heirs-at-law. D. P. HILL, Adm'r.
P.S. I have posted names of enslaved persons (infrequently, I'll admit) to the blogs I author, and have today decided to begin a Beyond Kin project. If you are a researcher that ever connects with an enslaved population, I recommend checking them out. And please help where you can.