It's been three years, almost to the day, since I posted "William C. Dawson: Grand Master of Masons in Georgia." The article details a portion of a visit to Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia. While there, I photographed a historical marker about Senator Dawson, and paid a visit to his grave in the city cemetery.
I've been working my way through Lucian Lamar Knight's Georgia's Landmarks, Memorials, and Legends (1913), and just yesterday come across some information regarding the family of William Crosby Dawson:
In the town cemetery at Greensboro rest two distinguished Georgians, both of whom wore the toga of the United States Senate, besides illustrating Georgia on the Superior Court Bench: Thomas W. Cobb and William C. Dawson.
The Dawson Family Record
Judge Dawson was twice married, first, in 1820, to Henrietta, daughter of Dr. Thomas Wingfield; and, second, in 1850, to Eliza M. Williams, a widow, of Memphis, Tenn.
His eldest son, William Reid Dawson, died while a student at the University of Georgia, in the junior class. The second child was Henry M. Dawson, who died at the age of three years. Next came George Oscar Dawson, who became a lawyer of Greensboro and frequently represented the County of Greene in the State Legislature. The fourth child was Henrietta Wingfield, who became the wife of Joseph B. Hill, of Columbus.
Edgar Gilmer Dawson, the fifth child, married the only daughter of Dr. William Terrell, of Sparta, an eminent physician and member of Congress. Soon after being admitted to the bar, Mr. Dawson moved to Columbus.
Emma Caledonia, the sixth child married Edward W. Seabrook of South Carolina, the nephew of Gov. Seabrook.
Lucien Wingfield Dawson, the seventh and last child, became a lawyer of Greensboro and married Eliza, daughter of George Dent, of Athens.
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